A Productive Veggie Garden

A Productive Veggie Garden

By Albert Mondor

Eggplants, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes are vegetable plants that are especially demanding. They must be planted in very rich, loose, well-drained soil and be exposed to over six hours of light per day.

If you're growing these vegetables directly in the ground, make sure to use a blend made up of equal parts of existing soil and C-I-L Biomax Composted Cattle Manure.

Also, if you're growing your eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes in containers, make sure to use large pots (of a capacity of at least 25 L) and to give them a rich soil containing compost, peat moss and perlite. PRO-MIX Organic Vegetable & Herb Mix gives excellent results. This product contains the MYCOactive technology, which combines carefully selected high performance ingredients that increase the quantity and quality of flowers and fruits.

Whether you're growing your tomatoes in containers or directly in the ground, you can also add 3 to 4 handfuls (about 100 ml) of a natural slow release fertilizer to the soil. It is rich in nitrogen and potassium. Choose a formulation close to 4-4-8.

For vegetables from the solanaceae family (eggplants, peppers and tomatoes), the collar of each plant can be placed a few centimetres below the level of the surface of the existing soil. If you remove the leaves on the main stem first, you can even bury the first two knots. This technique improves rooting and promotes the development of a vast root system that will draw more water and nutrients from the soil. 


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